264 Tonnes of Illicit Tobacco Destroyed

264 tonnes of illicit tobacco destroyed by the ITTF (Illicit Tobacco Taskforce)

In July 2021, the ITTF celebrated its third anniversary. Since its establishment in July 2018, the ITTF has seized and destroyed more than 264 tonnes of illicit tobacco and over 540 million cigarettes, with an estimated loss of revenue to the Commonwealth of over $870 million.

The ITTF also operates to disrupt domestically grown illicit tobacco crops. The ITTF located and destroyed more than 118 tonnes of illicit tobacco crops since July 2018, with an estimated forgone excise duty of $161 million.

Since its establishment, the ITTF has conducted more than 25 operations undertaken across the country, which have successfully resulted in convictions and disruptions to organised crime groups trading in illicit tobacco.

Read the full story here:https://www.ato.gov.au/Media-centre/Media-releases/264-tonnes-of-illicit-tobacco-destroyed-by-the-ITTF/